It was a chilly start to race one this morning but 50 odd competitors braved the conditions to complete the first race for the season. Welcome to all our new members it is great to have you as part of our club and we look forward to getting to know you as the season progresses.
Thanks to Jo Magill and Physability for being our race day sponsor today. A reminder to members to ensure that you watch the race day briefing before attending races. A number of incidents were reported this morning of riders not following the road rules while riding. This type of behavior jeopardises the clubs ability to conduct events for our members. Future breaches of the road rules will be addressed by the committee. It was good to see members attempting to follow the COVID requirements the committee has set out to ensure that we can safely race this season. Please make sure you are familiar with the requirements. The course maps are available online, please make sure that you know the course. Thirty-five competitors completed the long course tri with Isaiah Koopmans taking out the men's and overall first place 58:29 a very slick time. he has been putting in the work. Second place went to Patrick Brennan and third to Matt Moffatt. First lady across the line was Melanie Silvester in a time of 1:10:14 a great start to the season. Second lady was Kate Marsden closely followed in third place by Sarah Rose. A good race was had by Shaun Bayndrian, good to see Michael Dougherty having a roll around and Lachlan Marle one of our younger competitors, as he gets stronger his time will come down. Melissa Shaw was back out on course and Elizabeth Brazier had a great race, all that running training paying off with plenty of race day fitness. Jennifer Williams had a rocky start in the swim but showed just how tough she is to finish the race in style- lippy on as always! Fourteen competitors finished the short course. Daniel Williams had a great race, Angus Brazier has bragging rights at home again after beating dad Ed. Hudson Barry and his brother Titan both had a good day out. Race sponsor Jo Magill had a good first hit out as well. Of course we can't race without the fifteen volunteers that showed up at 5:30am on a chilly Sunday morning to ensure we could all compete - thanks to you all. Please remember that all members are required to do two duties, you can register for duty here. Another shout out has to go to Mick Booth who put in a lot of effort to get the start waves right for us this morning. Our next race will be 11 October. Members will again be required to preregister online by 5pm Friday 9 October, if you dont register, you dont race. MG
December 2024