28/2/2023 0 Comments Race Report #6 - 26 February 2023The weather gods were smiling on Coffs Tri this morning with amazing conditions for our John Daffy Memorial Race being a 1km swim, 30k bike and 7.5kn run. For those that want to know more about the late John Daffy and the amazing things he got up to, and significant life member contribution he made to Coffs Tri Club, please see the website and information brought together by Cliffy Lloyd.
Thanks to today's race sponsors Faircloth and Reynolds who have been a generous sponsor of the Club. For all your air conditioning, sheet metal and commercial fit out needs, see David and his team and they will do a professional job looking after you. Our race wouldn’t happen without our volunteers and to everyone that put their hand up - thank you. Volunteer of the week goes to Claire Fairweather and big thanks to Griffo for cooking up the BBQ and cutting up the fruit - great job! Welcome to new members Rainee Herron and Peter Richardson and first timers and visitors to the Club, both straight into the sprint distance and looking forward to the challenges of triathlon. 32 turned out overall with 2 in the Enticer with the fastest time going to Maria Wood in 47.01 followed by Tina Benoit in1:08:28. Congratulations Maria who is quietly contemplating stepping up to the sprint distance soon. In the long distance, and building on a consistently great season, Shannon O’Hara took out the fastest female in 1:44:41 and the third fastest swim of the day. Kate Marsden came in second fastest female in 1:58:43 followed by Andrea Burth in 2:02:53. In our males Sprint event, Pat Brennan was fastest across the line in 1:38:42 followed by brother Michael in 1:42:14 and 3rd was Ben Rose in 1:45:06. Both Pat and Michael clocked bike times within 0.02 secs of each other! While it was busy on the last lap of the bike course there were some great bike times from Michael Singleton, Pete Timothy, and Chris Hamilton. Congratulations to all for some solid racing and especially to Shannon and Pat! Full results can be found on the web site at http://www.coffstri.com/results.html. For those using Strava check out this race report that can also be found there. Our next Club event is back to an Enticer, Aquabike and Sprint distance on 12 March with a 6.30am start. Building up to other events is Kingcliff sprint and standard distance on 19 March. Our free all females Ladies race on 2 April will feature some interesting prizes and is being held a week after the Coffs Ocean swim on 26 March. We’re looking to ensure we have all volunteers filled by the males for the Ladies race and some general help around the race area. Thanks to everyone that picked up a Club survey for the development of the Club’s Strategic Business Plan. We need your input and feedback to develop a Plan that will guide the direction of the Club over the next 10 years. The survey will be online digitally soon through survey monkey, be available at our next events and will be open to receive responses up to 3 April. From there the Committee will collate all feedback and develop the Plan. See ya all in 2 weeks on 12 March! Peter Birch Race Director
December 2024