COVID-19 Race Requirements
This season will be like no other, we have had to make some considerable changes to be able to continue to deliver races. It is vital that all of our members work with us to ensure that we can deliver a safe event.
We are duty bound to respect our fellow members, so if you are not feeling well please do not turn up to race or volunteer. We will have a COVID Marshall at each race to ensure that all members are doing the right thing.
All members are encouraged to download the COVIDSafe app and to complete COVID Infection Control Training.
All members must adhere to the NSW Governments health restrictions and maintain social distancing.
We are duty bound to respect our fellow members, so if you are not feeling well please do not turn up to race or volunteer. We will have a COVID Marshall at each race to ensure that all members are doing the right thing.
All members are encouraged to download the COVIDSafe app and to complete COVID Infection Control Training.
All members must adhere to the NSW Governments health restrictions and maintain social distancing.
Public perception is just as important as social distancing. Please do not stand around talking in or around transition at any time. If you have time to kill before your wave start time here are a couple of ideas of what you can do. Go for a jog down the beach or go a swim to warm up. Go for a walk along north wall or even listen to some tunes in your car.
If these rules are not adhered to it will not only damage our clubs reputation within the community but also result in us being unable to hold races so please read them carefully.
If individual members are found to be breaching these rules they will be unable to continue racing this season.
As part of our COVID safe plan and measures set out by Triathlon Australia (see more on the TA Guidelines here) the following rules and changes will apply for the season 21/22:
If these rules are not adhered to it will not only damage our clubs reputation within the community but also result in us being unable to hold races so please read them carefully.
If individual members are found to be breaching these rules they will be unable to continue racing this season.
As part of our COVID safe plan and measures set out by Triathlon Australia (see more on the TA Guidelines here) the following rules and changes will apply for the season 21/22:
- Non- members will not be permitted to race this season - this includes novices and one day licenses.
- Bystanders and supports will unfortunately not be permitted this season. One parent helper may accompany a junior athlete and other athletes may have one family member attend - all helpers must record their details on the register at the timing tent.
- Do not share equipment, i.e please ensure bike tyres are pumped up prior to racking bikes The club bike pumps will not be available for use.
- There will be no drinks supplied this season, you can place a drink bottle on the supplied table.
- Showers will not be available.
- The water tub to wash feet after the swim (placed before the timing mats) will not be in place.
- There will be only one entry point and one exit point to the transition area.
- Sanitise your hands on entry - hand sanitiser will be provided.
- Only members that are racing are permitted into transition to rack their bikes ONLY on the racks as marked.
- Once your bike is racked and gear set up you must vacate the transition area.
- A race briefing will be provided online and also a brief recap given at 6:15am - social distancing must be maintained.
- A new handicap system will be used to ensure small wave starts.
- Maintain the 1.5m rule at the start line of the race and DO NOT mill around in groups prior to your wave start.
- Once on the run leg be mindful of members of the community at all times, no spitting, blowing snot rockets, spitting water. Make sure that you always maintain a distance of 1.5m between yourself and others.
- When you have finished racing you are to collect your gear from transition, wipe down your spot and vacate the area.
- There will be no post race presentation.
- There will be no post race fruit or breakfast.